About Islamic Educational Board

Islamic Educational Board is headed by Indian grand Mufthi Moulana sheikh Aboobacker, the great Islamic scholar.

The Madrasa Education from -2 to +2 aims at molding a patriotic cultured generation of students living with religious harmony and who can respect and behave ideally with their parents, teachers and other members of the society.

There are about ten thousands of Madrasas affiliated to our Board. In more than 90% of the above Madrasas children acquire spiritual and moral education for a duration of 2 hours in the early morning before 9 AM and then go to schools recognized by government for general education.

We have published about 140 text books for different classes in madrasa in Arabic, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Urdu and English languages. The curriculum and syllabus include lessons in moral values, environment studies, secular vision and mission, elimination of communalism & terrorism, and the content calls for religious harmony and patriotism.

Madrasas motivate both boys and girls to work for national integration and create a friendly atmosphere in society, with stress for communal harmony and secularism, encourage for elimination of social evils such as lies, financial cheating, theft, use of liquors etc… Moral values to respect all irrespective of caste and religion, to protect environment from all kinds of pollution are included along with rules and regulations of religious worships. The history of our nation and the former leaders who worked for independence and protection of human values are also part of our curriculum. Teachers trained in modern methodology and child psychology are only appointed in Madrasas.

The Education Board also supervises different kinds of humanitarian welfare activities in public in general and among the staff and students in particular. Under our Board, about one million students 50,000 teachers in LP, UP, Secondary and Higher Secondary classes acquire moral education. All the institutions have common text books, uniform, public examinations. Centralized valuations are conducted and certificate are issued by the Educational Board. Periodical motivation classes are given to parents also. Our Board has recognized Madrasas in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and some other states of the country. The main headquarters is at Calicut, Kerala, and there are regional offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengal, Bangalore etc…